Purduettes Spring Spectacular

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April 26th
7:30 pm
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Purduettes Spring Spectacular

Ticketed Event - General Admission seating


Tickets can be purchased through the Hall of Music Box Office.

Purchase tickets over the phone, call (765) 494-3933 Monday - Friday, 10 am - 6 pm.
Tickets will also be available for walk-up sales the night of the concert beginning one hour prior to the concert's start time.

Saturday, April 26, 2025  |  7:30 PM

Long Center for the Performing Arts - Mars Theatre
111 North Sixth Street, Lafayette, IN  47901

Doors open at 6:45 PM and open seating

Please note the Long Center is a historic venue. There is no elevator to the balcony section.


The Purduettes were founded in 1942, during World War II, when members of the Glee Club were leaving for service so rapidly that the Glee Club schedule had to be curtailed. Al Stewart, the director of PMO, responded by forming an entertainment group of 13 young women who were chosen and organized as the Purduettes.

Al Stewart took the Purduettes on a tour of the East coast that included a performance at the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, New York. The Purduettes were a hit and began entertaining audiences nationwide. Stewart originally designed four costumes for the Purduettes including a simple black and white choir gown and the well-known white satin, off-the-shoulder formal gown. 

Although Stewart restored the men’s Glee Club as soon as the war was over, the Purduettes had made their mark in history, and the women added a new flare to Purdue Musical Organizations. Even today, the Purduettes remain the choice group for many audiences.

For more information:  https://www.purdue.edu/pmo/

Long Center for the Performing Arts

Box Office Info

111 North 6th Street
Lafayette, IN 47901

By appointment only.

(765) 742-5664 ext 1

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